She went on to say, “I’m super thankful for you and the ministry you have through your work! Thank you for being faithful to the Lord and to the local body at our church!” The message came at a time when I needed to be reminded why I started this business. It is so easy for me to lose sight when I am focused on the tasks of running a business and wondering if I was foolish to start. But my friend’s message reminded me that it doesn’t matter how “successful” this business is in the world’s eyes, because the Word of God does not return empty, but it accomplishes what He desires, and it achieves the purpose He has for it. (Isaiah 55:11)
For the past two years I have compiled additional themes to be added to the collection of Scripture cards that began with the original set, The Word for Everyday Life. These themes have been inspired through conversations with people in my life and my new customers who were looking for the right set to give their loved ones. One such conversation took place late last summer with one of my nephews who was preparing to leave for his first semester of college, where he had plans to join the baseball team. He expressed concern about being on the team as a Christ follower as it didn’t seem like most of the guys on the team cared anything about Jesus (he goes to a Christian college). It was then that I shared with him something we often share with our college students at our church, “You are strategically placed for the gospel – to make much of Jesus right where you are.” I went on to remind my nephew that his own dad went to the same college to play baseball and was matched with one of those teammates that had no interest in Jesus, and over time lead his roommate to Christ. I don’t know how much of that conversation stuck with my nephew, but I walked away from it thinking there was a new theme set of Scripture cards to be made!
Each one of us is strategically placed for the gospel and we are all called to live a life of obedience right where we find ourselves. Let’s not spend time wishing we were somewhere else or with someone else but know that we are where the Lord has called us. (1 Corinthians 7:17) As I release this set, my prayer is that you and I will make the most of every opportunity, living wisely among those who do not yet believe. (Colossians 4:5)

Strategically Placed is the 20th theme set in the Hide and Seek Scriptures card collection! So, to say thank you to all of you who have supported me and to celebrate the release of this 20th set I’m giving 20% off on all Scripture cards this week!